Au coeur du Languedoc, entre Béziers et Montpellier, tourné vers la Mer Méditerranée, le Château Saint Martin de la Garrigue se devine... Ordonné autour du Château Renaissance le Domaine protège ses 160 hectares de propriété, alternant vignes, garrigues, pinèdes et oliviers.
En arrivant à Saint Martin de la Garrigue, ce qui frappe le visiteur c’est l’harmonie entre une nature exubérante et le travail de l’homme. Au fil du temps, chaque hôte a laissé sa marque, le résultat étant aujourd’hui un parfait équilibre entre histoire et modernité.
En évolution constante, le vignoble du Languedoc se reconstruit une identité. A Saint Martin de la Garrigue nous apportons notre pierre à ce bel édifice, conscient du superbe potentiel du terroir Languedocien.
On The first record of the chapel at Saint Martin dates from the year 987. Built on a site going much farther back to the times of pagan ritual, the chapel was probably modified in the following century when, by the year 1000, it had acquired its Early Romanesque style.
Fruit, freshness and immediate pleasure with these three AOC Coteaux du Languedoc wines, each centred on the Languedoc's traditional varieties decried so often and for far too long.
Fruit, freshness and immediate pleasure with these three AOC Coteaux du Languedoc wines, each centred on the Languedoc's traditional varieties decried so often and for far too long.
In the south of Montpellier,between the sea and typical Mediterranean bushland ("garrigue"), this magnificent 18th century Renaissance castle with its 9th century chapel is protected by 160 hectares of land easement, 60 acres of vineyard, and is nestled in the French park 3 hectares, Château Saint Martin de la Garrigue works its charms.